Welcome to SPRY's AIR Mosaic Express:
Your access tool to the vast resources of the World Wide Web!
SPRY licensed the source code of Mosaic for Windows from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) to develop a powerful new graphical user interface to the World Wide Web. Be sure to check out these new features added to AIR Mosaic Express that are not available in NCSA Mosaic:
- Advanced hotlist capabilities allow you to add WWW documents into hotlists with folders and subfolders and easily add multiple hotlists to your AIR Mosaic Express menu for quick access. (Also allows you to import menus from NCSA Mosaic for Windows and export hotlists as HTML). Hotlists are stored as seperate files for sharing over LANs or emailing to other users.
- Configurable Mosaic preferences allow colors, fonts, default home page, viewers and options to be customized via a straightforward configuration dialog. Advanced viewers dialog allows you to easily configure viewers or add new ones.
- Drag-and-drop hyperlink source files. Drag a hypertext link into Notepad or File Manager to save the document source to a file on your local drive.
- Full-screen kiosk mode allows you to hide the toolbar and other information. This mode is ideal for presentations and allows you to set up AIR Mosaic Express for "unattended" use.
- Navigation history list permits an easy connection to the last World Wide Web sites you accessed, via pull-down document title/document URL lists.
- DDE Support allows other applications to drive AIR Mosaic.
- Stability and protocol support have been greatly enhanced.